FaNoWriMo - Update 1

Here’s the update on my “FakeNovelWritingMonth”. Don’t think these will be daily, but I keep track of my wordcount on a daily basis.

Day 1

Blogs: 433

Total: 433 (433)

I’ve been swamped with work and then stayed out late at my Sister’s place, so ended up with no fiction writing time. Way to fail day one. Well, still another 29 to go.

Day 2

Blogs: 69

Fiction: 770

Total: 839 (1,272)

Nothing world shattering, but making progress. Did a quick post on the blog and wrote another part for the Hunt.

Couldn’t help feeling jealous reading through a thread about writing 50k in one day. Seeing my current speed is more like 500/h, I need to start thinking less and typing more.

Day 3

Blogs: 209

Fiction: 2106

Total: 2,315 (3,587)

Funny how I’m making progress but can’t seem to find a good point to break the scene. At this rate this short story turned novellette might actually level up into a novella. Also towards the end my typing speed got a bit faster, but still nowhere near a level I’d be happy with. I forced myself not to fix typos as I write, so the new part isn’t available on Wattpad yet. Need to do a bit of a clean-up tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow is a relative term in my book.

Next update soon.