Quick fix for the Social Counter Widget plugin

I’ve been doing some charity work recently and as they will have a social presence the blog was in need of some social media buttons. I thought the Social Counter Widget plugin looked quite nice (after the slightly prettier Social Impact Widget decided to just error when I did not enter a Google plus account – guess you have to go all or nothing for this plugin).

Unfortunately it wouldn’t even install, giving the following error:

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected $end in <br></br>/(...)/wp-content/plugins/social-counter-widget/scw_stats.class.php on line 73

A quick check revealed that it was a mistyped php open tag on line 70 that caused the problems. If you need to fix it before the plugin author submits an updated version just change “<?” to “<?php” on line 70 of the wp-content/plugins/social-counter-widget/scw_stats.class.php file.