fix Quick fix for the Social Counter Widget plugin I’ve been doing some charity work recently and as they will have a social presence the blog was in need of some social media buttons. I thought the Social Counter Widget plugin looked quite nice (after the slightly prettier Social Impact Widget decided
php Zend Application Resource Plugin Loading Issues Admittedly thinking while feeling feverish is slightly impaired, but it took me a little while to figure this one out… Trying to integrate ZF 1.11 with Doctrine2 to as per this article, I was trying to be a smart-ass and use TS_Resource_
plugin Redirect in controller plugin - Zend Framework 1.8 If you need to redirect while inside a controller plugin, for example in preDispatch() here is a quick way to do it: $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector'); $redirector->gotoUrl('/login/');