Week In Review 01/2017

I used to keep a journal. Or a diary. I guess it depended on the day - sometimes it would be the former with a more matter-of-factly recollection of events, and on other days it was more the emo-teenager sort of stuff. That was back in the good old pen&paper days too, so weird doodles across the pages were the norm.

Then for a while I ran an anonymous blog which again was a mix of the two. But I don't really have enough inspirational words/funny stories/educational content to fill a daily blog these days be it anonymous or not.

I seem to have this on-again-off-again kind of relationship with blogging/journaling. The pressure to produce regular content seems to only work for a while. And worse still the shame of falling behind makes me abandon a blog rather than face catching up. So in that spirit rather than have a daily entry I will try this year to do these weekly posts.

I want to try to find something meaningful to say about each day. Seeing a #dailyAchievement or knowing I've done something specific that makes that day different from the one before or after has always been helpful for me. It's a great way to avoid the feeling of time/days slipping through your finger and a week/month/year passing by you without you having much to show for it.

As at the moment I'm doing a daily baby photo so you can expect those to pop up in here (picking just one does minimise your exposure to baby photo spam as I like to call it ;) ). I'll also try and include interesting articles and things found on the Internet (there's a few stubborn friends not on facebook and I'm too lazy to be efficient I'll have one link to send to all of them at the end of the week).

So without further ado, here is the overview of the first week of this year.


2nd January 2017

Finished moving this blog from WP to Ghost (and from old server to the new one). Surprisingly I'm still enjoying learning Docker.


3rd January 2017

Wrote the New Year's Resolutions blog post.

Some amazing buildings that really do look like villain's HQ


4th January 2017

Finally moved out the spare bed from the nursery and replaced it with a lovely beanbag. The bed's better suited for the summer house (aka junkyard) anyway ;-)

A photo posted by Joanna Walker (@yish83) on

Daily Baby

We've temporarily turned our car seat into a baby bouncer. Someone was definitely happy about the idea ;) #babySmiles #dailyBaby

A photo posted by Joanna Walker (@yish83) on


5th January 2017

Met up with the NCT ladies.

Wrote a quick post about tar param mnemonics.

Daily Baby

No one's taking away my bunny! #babyVoiceover #dailyBaby #overlord #wrath

A photo posted by Joanna Walker (@yish83) on


6th January 2017

Amazing fairy tale inspired photos - the Grimm kind.

Dancing guy on a treadmil - this put a smile on my face :)

Daily Baby

I'm going for a walk even if it rains! #babyVoiceover #dailyBaby

A photo posted by Joanna Walker (@yish83) on


7th January 2017

Went to see Assassin's Creed (see my review) at the cinema.

Daily Baby

Morning smiles :-) #dailyBaby

A photo posted by Joanna Walker (@yish83) on


8th January 2017

Fun game night with friends.

Put up shelves in the spare bedroom (with the help of said friends).

Daily Baby

All this sleeping is hard work! #babyVoiceover #dailyBaby

A photo posted by Joanna Walker (@yish83) on