Week In Review 07/2017


13th February

Gas meter moved out of the kitchen. Yay! One step closer to my new kitchen.

RPG evening - Warhammer tonight. The highlight of the game was an assassin killed by a pot thrown at him that made the guy (who was trying to kill/rob us in an inn while we were sleeping) fall out the window as he tried to flee. A drop three storeys down into a canal can do that to you... lol.

Sorted post redirection for another year.

Daily Baby

I ♥ milk! #babyVoiceover #dailyBaby

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14th February

Finished listening to Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina.

Daily Baby

Weekly teddy :) #dailyBaby

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15th February

Took Zack to the second lot of jabs. He took it well, we didn't even need Calpol this time.

Edited 3 pages of the romance book.

A guide to successful relationships.

Never realised there was an option for part-time homeschooling.

And on a similar note - this is why I'm not a fan of standard education.

Daily Baby

Me and my dragon friends #babyVoiceover #dailyBaby

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16th February

Edited 9 pages of the romance book.

Obama's lost army. It's pretty sad how yet again a bunch of old cronies care more about their own interests than innovation. And that's why we can't have nice things...

Daily Baby

Happy tummy time #dailyBaby

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17th February

Put together the baby book shelf.

Explanation of editing (cycling) from DWS.

Solar panel flower.

Daily Baby

Curious ball... #dailyBaby

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18th February

Walk in the park with grandparents.

Cover drafts for a client.

Curious material that defies physics.

The signs of a heart attack.

Daily Baby

Daddy's favourite vest #mariners #dailyBaby

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19th February

Lego Batman movie - great fun.

Daily Baby

Someone is refusing to smile when the camera is out... #dailyBaby

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