Week in Review 36/2017


4th September

Added new premades to the BCMC site.

Finished tests for the login page and first welcome wizard page.

Warhammer game night.

The strange death of a Sherlock Holmes fanatic.

Daily Baby

Back to nursery... #dailyBaby

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5th September

Fixed filters on BCMC premades page. Added scheduled dates in the admin.

Created stub db tables for WPA.

Daily Baby

Exploring is hard work #dailyBaby

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6th September

Registered for the pension scheme.

Baby checkup with the health visitor.

Catch up with the builder about the rest of the renovations.

Samsung vs emojis

Your brain on video games

Daily Baby

Playing it cool on the swing #dailyBaby

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7th September

Setup Sequelize models for authentication related tables.

Daily Baby

Standing, standing all the time #dailyBaby

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8th September

Switched the API authentication to use the DB.

Finished listening to The Hangman's Daughter (The Bastard Legion #1)
by Gavin G. Smith.

Why there are no new major religions

This Morning Routine will Save You 20+ Hours Per Week

Daily Baby

English weather #dailyBaby

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9th September

Finished tests for 2 more welcome wizard steps.

Weekly update post.

Trees that produce rain.

That's how I feel a lot of the time while working with JS...

Daily Baby

Weeeeeee! #dailyBaby

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10th September

Day out with the in-laws.

Interesting looking new series (Netflix)

Daily Baby

Cups. Still of interest. #dailyBaby

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