Week in Review 45/2017


6th November

Finished the final book in the Bobiverse - "All These Worlds" by Dennis E. Taylor.

Password reset functionality for WriterPA - email and token generation.

Warhammer evening.

Daily Baby

Watching the neighbour on a frosty morning #dailyBaby

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7th November

Finished password reset functionality for WriterPA. Finished the API side of book importing from Amazon.

Baby sensory class.

Daily Baby

I helps! #dailyBaby

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8th November

Fixed login issues and updated the db schema with some missing details. Generic API call forwarding for WriterPA.

Blade Runner at the cinema. Stunning visuals and great music. Despite the length, the action was well paced.

The Wifi is bad for you experiment. Interesting read, and a clever experiment, it did bug me enough to research a bit more. As the conditions are not fully controlled, while the same amount of water was provided, one article speculated it could be the heat from the router that dried the air, meaning extra water would be required, and not necessarily anything to do with the wifi...

Daily Baby

The lunch train ;) Woo! Woo! #dailyBaby

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9th November

GP trip. Turned out the vaccination was booked to early so we'll have to come another time.

Draft covers for a client.

Author list UI and API for WriterPA.

Daily Baby

Stripes on stripes #dailyBaby

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10th November

Weekly update post.

Imported books list UI for WriterPA.

Daily Baby

Back from the nursery, still full of energy... #dailyBaby

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11th November

Baby swimming - for some reason about 5 minutes in Zack went from loving it, to I hate everything. sigh

Styling and components for custom alerts in WriterPA.

The lost children of Tuam.

Daily Baby

Goodnight Teddy #dailyBaby

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12th November

Garden work.

Added book statuses.

On the Table, the Brain Appeared Normal

Daily Baby

Little thief #dailyBaby

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