
6th March

Last day with my parents and dinner with the in-laws. Nice long walk (shopping) and then tea with mom in the garden.

Pretending to understand what babies say can make them smarter.

Great photoshoot behind the scenes photos.

Daily Baby

I look good in hoodies... #dailyBaby #babyVoiceover

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7th March

Baby sensory and a walk after - reached my step goal for the day.

Chatted with the builders - turns out RSJs need more work than they expected... Back to the drawing board looking for someone to do the extension :/

Big email cleanup.

Amazing sponge that can clean up oil spills.

The full truth about some of the old sayings...

Daily Baby

This is *my* chair! #dailyBaby #babyVoiceover

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8th March

Edited 4 pages.

Publishing webinar.

Artificial magnetic field for Mars.

700 year old cave - stunning photos!

Daily Baby

Tired after play time #dailyBaby

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9th March

Exercise: short form & hoola hoop

Booked jabs for next week.

Finished "The Girl With All The Gifts."

Research reading.

Daily Baby

Teddy at bath time #dailyBaby

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10th March

Exercise: reached step goal

Edited 0.5 pages.

The magical voice of Bob Ross.

Daily Baby

Tummy time is getting better :) #dailyBaby

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11th March

Exercise: reached step goal

Was planning to do some writing but went down the rabbit hole of residency application paperwork. To my surprise after almost giving up hope on finding a certain piece of paperwork (looked for it for several months...) I actually found it.

Baby swimming and a nice walk with the family.

Daily Baby

Swimming time :-) #dailyBaby

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12th March

Exercise: erm... day off? ;)

Lazy day. Had some me-time and played the Witcher 3. Managed to even make some progress in a quest ;)

Watched Billions season 2 with OH, that series is soooo good.

Wrote 816 words.

A great warning article about heart attacks.

Cute dragons!

Daily Baby

I love you ball... #babyVoiceover #dailyBaby

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