6th March
Last day with my parents and dinner with the in-laws. Nice long walk (shopping) and then tea with mom in the garden.
Pretending to understand what babies say can make them smarter.
Great photoshoot behind the scenes photos.
Daily Baby
7th March
Baby sensory and a walk after - reached my step goal for the day.
Chatted with the builders - turns out RSJs need more work than they expected... Back to the drawing board looking for someone to do the extension :/
Big email cleanup.
Amazing sponge that can clean up oil spills.
The full truth about some of the old sayings...
Daily Baby
8th March
Edited 4 pages.
Publishing webinar.
Artificial magnetic field for Mars.
700 year old cave - stunning photos!
Daily Baby
9th March
Exercise: short form & hoola hoop
Booked jabs for next week.
Finished "The Girl With All The Gifts."
Research reading.
Daily Baby
10th March
Exercise: reached step goal
Edited 0.5 pages.
The magical voice of Bob Ross.
Daily Baby
11th March
Exercise: reached step goal
Was planning to do some writing but went down the rabbit hole of residency application paperwork. To my surprise after almost giving up hope on finding a certain piece of paperwork (looked for it for several months...) I actually found it.
Baby swimming and a nice walk with the family.
Daily Baby
12th March
Exercise: erm... day off? ;)
Lazy day. Had some me-time and played the Witcher 3. Managed to even make some progress in a quest ;)
Watched Billions season 2 with OH, that series is soooo good.
Wrote 816 words.
A great warning article about heart attacks.
Daily Baby